Please save and turn in all Box Tops 4 Education and Pop Tabs at the end of each month!!! Click on the links to find out more about the programs.
It is important to establish a regular homework routine with your child. It is very important to review all of the concepts and skills that we will be learning in school. We are a team and together we will make this year a success for your child.
Homework will come home on Monday and is to be returned on Friday. Homework may involve math, letter work, sight words (click on link for list), handwriting and much more. The more practice, the better!
Later in the year we will also be starting our "I can read" books. New books will be sent home each Monday. Please help your child with these books nightly so they feel confident when reading to their book buddy on Friday when they are returned. Our school also participates in the Book It! program from October-March. You will receive a monthly calendar to fill out and return at the end of each month. If your child returns the calendar they get a free pizza from Pizza Hut!
Handwriting builds communication skills for a lifetime. Here are some links to create your very own handwriting worksheets:
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