First, let me begin by telling you that I have a common core pinterest page where most of this stuff can be found! Click here to check it out. I have pinned many assessments, activities, and much more from blogs out there.
I have also included the common core app widget on the side bar to the right. Open it to find the standards for all grades and subjects. If you would like to get the common core app for on the go access click here.
Two new and useful blog sites...
These sites are meant for k-12 teachers who will be implementing the National Common Core State Standards. You can search for your grade and then the specific standard you are looking for. Some items are free and some cost money (however it goes to fellow teachers so that makes it worth it). It is constantly being updated with new lessons so you should check it often!!!If your like me and you love is a great new online practice platform for elementary grades. Best part's 100% common core aligned and if that wasn't's free for teachers!!! Scootpad generates continuously personalized practices for each student with no intervention from the teacher. There is a downside to it though :( As of right now it's only for grades 1, 2, and 3. However, they are working hard to get grades K, 4, and 5 up by August.
I hope these will help you feel better about all this common core talk! If I find anymore resources I'll add them to this post and my pinterest board too of course. :)
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